Automatically finds and corrects areas of a 1-bit image containing inverse text, without requiring any input parameters to control the detection.
The uncompressed image to be processed must reside in the Get Queue prior to REQ_EXEC. Typically, the image will be fully contained in the Get Queue, but that is not a requirement. The output image will be placed into the Put Queue during REQ_EXEC.
This operation has a parameter that controls whether inverse areas are just detected, or both detected and corrected.
- PerformCorrection is set to TRUE to correct detected inverse areas. If set to false, the inverse areas found will be reported but they will not be corrected.
In addition to placing an output image into the Put Queue, this operation stores some output information into the PIC_PARM structure in the following locations.
- CountOfFeaturesDetected is set, during REQ_EXEC, to the number of inverse areas detected.
- InverseRegions is set, during REQ_EXEC, to the list of detected inverse areas. Each area is identified by its X coordinate, Y Coordinate, width, and height.
- OutputStride is set, during REQ_INIT and REQ_EXEC, to the image line width in bytes including padding at the end of the line.
- BiOut is set, during REQ_INIT and REQ_EXEC, to the attributes of the output image. Since this operation does not adjust the size of the image, BiOut will be set to a copy of the Head structure within PIC_PARM.